Friday, September 19, 2008

YES.... I did Graduate from College!!!!!

Had myself the most interesting conversation today. You know I consider myself a some what learned man. I mean I'm not that intelligent (but I did graduate from college) Some of my family ;) are under this slightly skewed opinion that I graduated but with only my associates degree in some amazing degree like:
- basket weaving
- pottery
- canoing
- camping
- smore cooking
- or hay manufacturing
(I made that last one up)
Any who, now to be fair to those wonderful classes (which alot of them I did take ;) and to clear up any and all confusion (however ridiculous it may sound) I, Matthew W. Hargrave did graduate from college with a bachelors in general studies with 3 minors, Health Science, Animal Science, and Military Science. (yeah i know alot of sciences, but hey what ya gonna do). Any way just thought I would clear that one up oh and to wow ya'll some more My family and I will be attending Baylor University in 2013 to receive my masters degree in Business and Hospital Administration. So there I just thought I would clear that up. Have a wonderful week everybody


Bro Mort and I (a teacher at the college) at Graduation. He doesn't wear that funny dress for fun!!!!!!!


Roeckers said...

That's cool man. I graduated from high school too. Then I got me some learning in the Army and ended up graduating from college this year.

Nice to know I'm not the only one.

You know, if you were a little more self-promoting you wouldn't have conversations like this.


Angela said...

I love that picture of dad and you! when are you going to come visit?