Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oh, To Be A Cantoneere!

This was a fabulous weekend! For those of you who have not heard of Canton before, it is a tiny town in Texas that has one of the biggest trade markets in America. I have heard about the wonders and glories of Canton from my aunts and my grandma for years, and have looked forward to the day when I, too, could join the ranks of thrifty shoppers who happily sift through endless piles of assorted junk to find that one item they can not live without. Oh, to be a Cantoneere! And this was the weekend for me!

Matt, Bennett and I loaded up the car early Friday and headed for Dallas, where my Grandma and Grandpa Hazard live. It is about a three hour drive from where we live, and is absolutly beautiful in the Spring with the wildflowers and green grass all along the highways. We spent Friday night watching a movie and showing Bennett off to Grandma and her Bridge-Playing Friends, and caught up on all the latest Hazard family gossip. :)

The next morning, we woke up early and headed to Canton...and it is HUGE!!! It's like, if you took every craft store and food stand you could ever imagine, and smashed them all into a dozen ginormous warehouses with enough people to populate a small town. We spent the day walking around, buying stuff for our house (we are officially DONE spending money on this dang house!) and eating food that will probably stay in our artaries for years to come. It was great!
Bennett was a trooper and slept in his stroller most of the time, and Grandpa only got lost a few times. :)

Just hanging out with Great Grandma and Grandpa. We love them!

These two are a couple of par-tay animals!

Bennett was so good the entire weekend! It was his first official "trip" where we actually packed luggage and stayed overnight at a different house than our own, and he was fabulous. Unfortunately, me and Matt were so on the ball we forgot to bring his stroller for Canton. Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa had this little beauty, so we were saved from having to carry him around ten miles of craft booths. Yay for good planning!

So although there is some really cool stuff at Canton, there is still the occasional questionable item...

...and the occasional questionable people! (Don't ask me what they are doing here--I think they were actually talking to each other!)

Matt pushed Bennett tipped back like this all day, since he is too little for this stroller still. He is the best Daddy! I am such a lucky girl to have my two wonderful boys!

Here is our living room with my big metal thingy we got from Canton on the wall. I really like how it looks, and I finally feel like this room is almost done now!

We also found two big decorative square things to go above our bed, since we don't have a headboard yet. This is a pretty bad picture of them, but they look really good with the bedspread in real life. (There is a cool decorative pattern on them if you look close.)

And here's Bennett. He is looking more and more like a baby and less and less like a newborn. He is even beginning to try out his funny little smile and is developing quite the personality. We sure love this guy, and can't imagine life without him!

Oh, and my "Picture Of The Week" is of Matt after burping our gassy little boy! I tell you what, this baby has got some power! I never knew so much could come out of someone so little! :)


Mark & Rachel said...

So did you guys finally decide on a bedspread?!?! Looks good Haley-

Cambria said...

Ha, Ha, I love reading your blog Haley, very entertaining.