Sunday, February 6, 2011

Everyday Crisis

Crisis One: The Blue M&M
(Not really a crisis, but it went with the theme.) Matt called me on the way home from story time Monday morning. Bennett was being a little grumpy in the back seat, so I gave him ONE blue m&m to keep him happy until we could get home. What a mistake.

Seriously, what are those Hershey people putting in that dye? Bennett's hands and face were blue for the rest of the day, despite the amount of ruthless scrubbing I subjected his poor cheeks to.

Crisis Two: The Storm
Wednesday morning Bennett and I woke up and started our usual routine of scrambled eggs and Micky Mouse Clubhouse. And then we got a call from our friend asking us if we had water. I said yes, a little confused. Then she asked me if I had electricity. I said yes, right before the entire house went black. OK, just kidding. Make that a no. But we did still have water, something only one other person in our neighborhood could claim due to severely cold weather and a plethora of frozen pipes.

I really don't know why we were so lucky to be spared, but we made use of our good fortune by supplying a host of people with drinking water, dish water, and hot showers and baths over the next several days. Our electricity was on and off most of the first day and the next, but thanks to our fireplace we were warm, and thanks to Matt's paranoia of impending disaster we were well stocked in food and other necessities...although our water bill is going to be HUGE this month.

I have said it before and I will say it again. Give me Rexburg cold any day over the gross, gross, freezing humidity cold of Texas. Burrrrrrrrrr. (This, by the way, is Bennett's new favorite word after the week we've had.)

Crisis Three: ER Visit Number Two
Yes, I will probably be served child protection papers any day now, since Bennett has been to the Emergency Room twice in about as many weeks.

Friday night we made a quick trip to Walgreen's to get some supplies and, more importantly, get out of the house that we had been trapped in for way too long. I was feeling generous and let Bennett play in the toy isle a little longer than usual, but when it came time to go he decided to voice his disapproval by violently throwing himself on the ground. (Did I mention Bennett is very close to turning two? We are very excited.) When I went to pull him off the floor with my only free hand, he played the "dead weight" card, and then next thing I knew there was a little "pop" in his shoulder. At first I thought he was still just mad that we were leaving the toys, but when I went to put him in his car seat I realized he wasn't moving his right arm and I knew what had happened. Man, talk about feeling guilty.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we ended up back in the emergency room. They admitted us right away this time, and after an extensive visit to the radiology department where they took several x-rays of Bennett's little arm, they sent us back down to wait for the doctor to come in and see us. Of course, by the time the doctor got to us Bennett was running all over the room, pulling up on the bed, crawling on the floor, and using his arm as though all were well in the World. Apparently, the x-ray technician had accidentally popped Bennett's shoulder back in place while he was moving it around to get his pictures. So besides being exhausted (it was nearing 11:00 at night by the time we got home from the hospital) Bennett had a clean bill of health and I learned that there are probably better ways to transport a young child than by pulling on their poppable arms. (Did I mention the guilt?)

Crisis Four: My Little Boy Is Growing Up Way To Fast
The kid I babysit has begun potty training, and Bennett is fascinated with the whole idea of the potty. He regularly asks to sit on it, and then insists that I sit on it. And then we both go to get "Potty Teets" (Potty Treats). The other day Bennett was outside playing while I was making dinner (the weather warmed up a little. Yay!) and suddenly he came running in the house, yelling "Potty! Potty!" I asked him if he had to go potty, and he got so excited and ran to the bathroom, where I took off his diaper and sat him on the toilet. Of course, nothing happened after that, but the mere fact that he wants to sit on the potty is very encouraging to me.

Encouraging, and a little sad. Because this is my baby boy we are talking about! Who gave him permission to grow up so fast? Don't get me wrong, I would love it if Bennett was potty trained. And the fact that he seems to be doing it without my help is also wonderful. But really, it is a very bittersweet thing. I guess I'll just have to enjoy his being little while I still can.

My big boy, all grown up and singing songs at the top of his lungs.


The Hazard Family said...

Hooray . . . finally something I can clearly identify as what Bennett got from me . . . his singing voice!! Keep up the good work.

Lindsey said...

Hey, enjoy the ALMOST terrible twos...learned this week how AWESOME the actual terrible twos are (totally thought the almost terrible twos were as bad as it got- could not have been more wrong : )

Kylie said...

Haha, this just made me laugh so hard, because the exact same thing happened to me when I was little - my uncle popped my shoulder out of its socket, and when they took me to the hospital, the x-ray tech popped in back in and I was totally fine after that. My mom was kinda ticked. :) Good luck with that kid!

Anonymous said...

I love your posts! Bennett is getting so big! We might have the same problem in the future because Zoey's arms pop ALL the time. Scary.

Anonymous said...

Griff says, "we won't call DHS on you if you won't call DHS on us."