So for my birthday Haley bought me a pig hunt with a couple of buddies of mine. Due to scheduling conflicts its taken until now to actual go. Hands down one of the best birthday presents ever! Some of the highlights were, "The Battle of Pig Run", and "The Massacre at Raccoon Ridge".....You'll have to hit me up for those amazing stories.

I did try my hand at a little turkey hunting. I learned, 1. It is very hard! 2. Using a hand call is very hard 3. Turkeys attract each other in identical ways as humans. (the big Tom's like it when the hen plays hard to catch)
I did see a ton of deer! That guy sneaking away was only 75yds away....they know its not deer season and know I cant shoot them!
That is Walter Brown by the truck. He is a civil engineer for the city of Austin. He does guided hunts to help his Dad pay the taxes on the land. Same guy I did the wounded warrior hunt with back in January.
So this is my buddy Nathaniel. This was his first hunt ever. He shot a raccoon and then texted me to ask if it was legal.....I let him sweat a little. He also shot himself the biggest pig of the hunt, easily over 120lbs.
My other buddy Jared. He has hunted before but had never actually gutted anything. It was "entertaining". With him is another guide. Bill "The Greek". He is actually from Greece. Came to Texas in the 80's and never left.
View from the back porch of the hunters cabin.
Side view
Our awesome cabin.
Pretty well hidden. I had this little fella in the picture below come about 10ft from me before I said hi and he freaked out!
My "other" hunting buddy.
Praying a turkey shows up but apparently I was the only one out!
Dropping off Nathaniel's pig for processing.
Those are some big south Texas pigs!