Matt joined these epic reunions for the first time while we were still engaged. That reunion was spent in California, sleeping in tents between a polluted "beach" made entirely of head-sized rocks, and a busy highway. The best part, though, was the hobos and random hitchhikers. It turned out they were quite friendly once you fed them...although a bike did go missing. All in all, that reunion was totally AWESOME! Sadly, after we were married Matt and I were unable to make it out to the next couple of reunions due to distance/money issues/Matt's fear of what could top the last one (no, it was really just the distance and money...although Matt was in awe of our definition of "fun" for quite sometime).
But not this year!
This year the reunion was in beautiful Colorado (where Matt and I have seriously decided to retire) at my Uncle Bart and Aunt Natalie's ranch. We made a little road trip out of getting up there, stopping first in Oklahoma to see my brother Griffin, and his cute wife Ashland, and their adorable little girl, Zoey Jane Hazard. They blessed her while we were there, and it was so fun to get to be a part of that.

Sunday night after dinner we packed the car back up and began the next leg of our journey--a 12-hour drive to Colorado. Courtney rode in the car with us, and Allison and my mom and dad were in their mini-van. The original plan was to caravan as far as Dodge, Colorado, but we got separated about five minutes from Griffin and Ashland's house and ended up going our separate directions until midnight. Funny how things work out...or don't...
The next day we started our trip again and had fun listening to music, watching movies, eating good food, taking naps, talking, and playing trivia games. Matt even got on his motorcycle (which we towed behind us the entire way) and drove ahead of us through the beautiful mountain passes of Colorado. He got drenched in a pretty bad rain storm at one point, but said he loved it anyway. I'm happy for him. Sounds miserable to me.
We finally arrived at my Aunt and Uncles' around 7:00pm and were greeted by a hoard of wonderful people I have not seen in too long.

The rest of the week was spent on four wheelers and horses, hiking, visiting Black Canyon National Park, talking around the bonfire, rounding up cattle, swimming, and playing basketball (again, let the record show that I, Haley Dawn Hargrave, took on and took down almost every cousin I have...including the over-confidant teenage several intense games of Lightening. It will never happen again, so I have to brag while I can).

One day almost everybody decided to hike up this huge mountain, which the name of I cannot remember except that it did not fit the mountain at all. It was named something like "Mount Sniffles," but would be much better off with a name like, "Mount Fall-To-Your-Death." Matt (with the previously broken shins) and I (the mother of a small child) and a few others (the smart ones) volunteered to stay home and prepare lunches for everybody once they came off the hike.
So while everybody else was hiking incredibly steep, though scenic, Mount Fall-To-Your-Death, Matt and I stayed home and played with our little boy and enjoyed a day together.
Bennett being introduced to the horses (or puppies, as he calls them. Anything with four legs is a puppy to Bennett).
Matt and Bennett on Bear (I think. There were a lot of horses and they all looked the same to me). Bennett liked the horses, which is good because he has been practicing hard at riding them lately...
This was taken a few weeks earlier. Yes, he's naked...and SO happy about it.
So while everybody else was hiking incredibly steep, though scenic, Mount Fall-To-Your-Death, Matt and I stayed home and played with our little boy and enjoyed a day together.
I would also like to announce that it was on this day I rode on a horse while it ran...on purpose!! I have ridden horses while they ran before, but it was always because they were running away with me and I would have to either jump or fall to save myself. I am terrified of horses. Matt is a great horse-riding teacher though, and he took me out while Bennett was napping and very patiently taught me how to be on a horse without fear of life and limb. Imagine my surprise when I learned that horses are not horrible creatures with the desire to kill you at the first chance they get. It was really fun/still a little scary, but I did it and I was sore for three days afterward. I am so proud of myself.
Later that afternoon, we got in our car and drove to where the trail head for the hike begins. Actually, I should say we attempted to drive to where the trail head begins. We never made it, because the road leading up to it was carved by mountain men a century ago who apparently had no value for life. The road twisted through insanely treacherous cliff-like territory, plus, it started to rain and there was mud and much sliding involved. It was all very adventurous.
A great majority of Bennett's time on this trip was divided between the four wheeler and the three wheelers. There were several of them, and if I ever wanted to know where Bennett was I just had to look outside long enough to see him whizzing over the bumpy ground at break-neck speeds, laughing with delight. Grandpa was Bennett's favorite riding partner, although he would go with anybody who offered and singlehandedly ran two of the four wheelers out of gas from constant use.
The day after the hike, Bart said he had a Longhorn (imported from Texas, where they used to live) that was up in a pasture and needed to be moved down to their ranch. Matt, of course, volunteered to help, along with almost every other male in our family. We are all cowboys at heart.
Our family, like most families, has many traditions. One of these traditions is to have a "Family Dance." I LOVE the Family Dance. It is easily my favorite part of any reunion (aside from being with family) and, I hate to admit it, but I am an excellent dancer.
Oh, my tired little boy. What a good dancer you are.
(like your mom)
The last day of the reunion we spent packing and taking our last rides on the horses (for Matt) and the four wheelers (for Bennett).
And drove. And drove. And drove.
For 16 hours straight we drove, our car only stopping to get gas and food, and then it was back on the road. Straight through the day, and the night, and the day, getting home around 7:00 the next morning. It was awful and good all at the same time, because out of 16 hours of drive time, Bennett was only awake for maybe six of them.
But that's another story for another time.
Oh, life is so fun!