OK, time to update. But not extensively, by any means. Here is a quick run-down since my last post to keep you in the loop. Maybe I'll do more later...
-We stayed with my mom and dad in Idaho until April 8th, at which point we all got in my parent's mini van and drove down to Colorado to go to my cousin Colby's wedding. By the time we left my mom was up and moving--cooking, cleaning, and even making plans to go back to work as an active kindergarten teacher upon her return from the wedding. It was perfect timing all around, and I am happy to see my mom doing so well after such a "could be" dramatic thing. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with everybody there.
-We arrived in Colorado and got to attend the "mini Hazard reunion" that took place due to the wedding. The ceremony was gorgeous and happy and the reception was full of food and dancing. I loved it.
-The morning after the wedding one of my bestest friends from high school, Chantell, came to pick me up from the hotel we were staying in. She lives in Colorado Springs and I haven't seen her in way too many years. We had an absolute BLAST hanging out for a few days, making crafts, going to the Garden of the Gods (a way cool National Park) and getting to know her three kids--two of which I had never even met but immediately fell in love with. Bennett made life-long friends with "ucy" and "akkk" (Lucy and Jack) and only attempted smothering "Baby Ali" once in the course of our visit. We are so lucky to have such great friends!
-Tell dropped us off at the Denver airport way before I was ready to actually say goodbye, but we will visit her again soon. There was a subway in the airport that took us to our gate, and I thought Bennett was going to explode from excitement. Later he really did explode on the plane, but in a far less cute way. I have never been so embarrassed, but obviously we survived...much to the disappointment of several annoyed passengers sitting near us.
-We landed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Griffin picked us up from the airport and drove us back to their home. We spent the night, woke up, packed our car (which was at their house from the drive up to Idaho) and waited for Ashland to get home from school so we could visit a little before we had to say good-bye. Bennett and Baby Ozey (Zoey) had a great time playing. By the time we got in the car to go, Bennett was ready for a nap and slept the entire way to the Texas boarder. I love the way that kid travels.
-It is a good thing we left Tulsa when we did, because there was a plethora of tornado touch-downs and golf-ball sized hail immediately following our departure. Somebody is looking out for us.
-I officially hate my GPS. That lady has no clue what she is talking about. Bennett and I had an incredibly stressful trip home, as Maggie (our GPS) continually told us to take random exits and make u-turns in the middle of inner city ghettos. Thank goodness for paper maps and the off switch. Maggie and I are no longer friends.
-We finally did make it home, and Bennett was one happy kid to be there. He ran as fast as he could through the house, pointing at objects and yelling, "Bennett's toy!!!!" "Bennett's bed!!!!" "Bennett's Daddy!!!!" (holding a picture of Matt). What a little cutie.
-Upon our arrival I opened the fridge and pantry and immediately began gagging. Needless to say, my fridge has never been emptier, but it has also never been cleaner. Nothing motivates me like mold. Yuck.
- Since we have been home, I have spent a collective six hours in our backyard, fighting the weeds which had taken root during our absence. Apparently the Hargrave home is situated directly above a thistle patch. Lucky us. I estimate another three to four hours before this battle is won in the backyard. Then it's on to the front. Ugh.
-Since we have been home, Bennett has decided he no longer wishes to stay in his crib. Nothing to date has made my blood run as chill as when I heard the sound of Bennett's bedroom door opening when I thought he was tucked safely away in his crib. I still shudder when I think about that moment. As I am writing this he is sleeping soundly in his toddler bed in his Big Boy room...after almost an hour of me laying by him. We'll see how this goes. I'm not too convinced he can actually handle the task of laying and staying just yet. I foresee a lot of struggle in our future. Pray for us.
-I am loving being home. Despite the chaos that inevitably follows vacations (laundry, mail, unpacking, readjusting, grocery shopping, catching up on life in general...) it feels good to be here in my own environment.
-We have the best ward and friends here. Sunday I felt like a celebrity walking into the chapel. And even though I only told two people I was leaving before we actually jumped in the car for Idaho, word must have spread because everybody was asking how our trip was and how my mom was doing. I feel so blessed to be in a place where we are so loved.
-When I was in Idaho I wished for heat. Today in Texas it was in the mid ninety's. I am wishing I hadn't wished so hard. Although between all the weed-pulling and swimming we have been doing, Bennett and I are developing nice tans. It is April.
- Bennett had his two-year-old checkup. He's healthy.
So that's it. I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, but honestly I don't want to write out everything in great detail, and you don't want to read it. Just know we had a TON of fun, are happy to be home, and will be updating more frequently from now on.
Hooray for vacations. Hooray for home.