Well this has been quite the exciting week! Matt, Bennett and I all moved into our new house in Copperas Cove, Texas, last Wednesday and we have been going, going, going ever since! Actually, it really hasn't been too bad. We have had the chance to live just a few hours away from our now-house for the last year or so, and have been slowly moving things up the entire time. That meant that all we really had to "move" was our clothes, bathroom stuff, and last minute items we needed right up until the time we left San Antonio for Copperas Cove. However, these items have taken surprisingly long to put away.
I am focusing on one room at a time, and am pleased to announce that Bennett's Nursery (which is SO cute!), the kitchen, our closet, both bathrooms, and the guest bedroom are finally finished. Matt also did a lot of work on the garage, and it is officially a full-scale wood shop now, except for my "laundry room" area. It has been so fun to get to clean and organize and I feel so blessed and happy to have the opportunity to get to live in this beautiful home with my beautiful family!
Some highlights of the week include Matt FINALLY going to work! This was a big deal, because we have been waiting and waiting and WAITING for this moment when he is no longer
training but actually
working! We also went to our ward for the first time, which was fabulous, and had dinner with a really fun family we met there. Matt has also already been involved in a service project and got to use his chain saw (always good). We painted the kitchen, mowed the lawn, and did some sight-seeing of our new little town. All in all it was a great week and we are so happy!
Anyway, nobody really reads what people write on blogs, they just look at the pictures, so here are a few new ones for ya!

This is Bennett's cute nursery, although we have hung a few more pictures on the walls and there is a REALLY cute valance above the window and big shelves above the rocking chair you can't see here. The best part is that this whole thing only took about $30 to create, since all the furniture was given to us and we made all the bedding and rocking chair cover!

Matt and Bennett working on the bench in the garage. We think Bennett is showing an early interest in building...at least that what Matt wants to believe. :)

Painting the kitchen.

The Kitchen painted! (It is hard to get a good picture of this area because of the huge window, but the color is not as dark as it looks here.)

The rest of my beautiful kitchen...which, have I mentioned, is totally clean and organized? :)

Matt breaking in his new lawnmower. Yipee!

Our backyard! And yes, it is GREEN here in Texas...at least for now.

Grilling us up a couple of hamburgers on our back porch.

And me eating the hamburgers Matt grilled us up...and looking a little too excited about it. (But seriously, these were probably the best things I have ever eaten!)
And what would our blog be without at least a few pictures and video of our cute Bennett-Boy? :)


My Army Men

Sleeping (Momma likes it when this happens!)
I LOVE this video! You have to watch it to the very end to see why...it's just so typical of this little boy. :)