Matt is officially back in Iraq now, working hard to be the best, most handsomest medical officer I know. Bennett and I are back in our groove, walking with friends and going to the park to play. It was hard to say goodbye on Thursday, but we know it will only be for a little while and then we will all be together again for good. And we can't wait, because we sure do have a lot of fun being together. Here's a rundown of the last two weeks.

And speaking of milestones, here's another first for Bennett. "First ER visit."
One day, Bennett was playing with the bobby pin in my hair, taking it in and out and putting it in his own hair and stuff, when suddenly I hear an unholy shriek and see Bennett fall to the ground like he had been shot. At first we couldn't figure out what he had done, but then we noticed blood coming out of his ear. And what's worse, the bobby pin was nowhere to be found. We got a flashlight and shinned it in his ear and saw what we thought was the tip of the bobby pin. Great.
So we rushed to the hospital and then spent a long time in the waiting room watching Sleeping Beauty until the doctor could see us. Luckily, the bobby pin was not in his ear (we found it later, covered in blood on the floor of our living room) and he had only scraped the inside of his ear canal, versus puncturing the ear drum like we had thought. So long story short, Bennett was fine but we spent a long afternoon waiting in the hospital. I have always known I would take this kid to the ER one day (or many days, the way things are going) but I'm just so happy Matt was there to do that with me the first time.
The same afternoon Bennett decided to clean out his ear with hair accessories, Mary and Wayne came up to see us. They arrived a little after we got back from the ER and the rest of the day went off without a hitch. Thank goodness.
Besides Mary and Wayne we had lots of other visitors. Joe, Matt's brother, and his wife Kim came up on Sunday and spent the day with us, too. We had so much fun with them, going to church and talking and playing Monopoly Deal. We also saw our good friends the Askerlunds from down the street who we hadn't seen in months due to Christmas travels. Bennett was especially happy to see his buddy Brielle...
The next week we packed the car up (I am a self-proclaimed expert at this now) and drove to San Antonio. While there, we crossed off one of Matt's other "R&R Requests" by going to the temple together while Mary watched Bennett. To be honest, the temple is probably the place I have missed Matt the most, so it was such a good experience to be able to go together again. That night we stayed with Mary and Wayne and celebrated Bekah's (Matt's sister) birthday and Matt's visit by eating really yummy, really yummy food. I love comfort foods.
The next day we packed the car again and drove to Houston, a place I have never been before. On the way there we met Matt's older sister, Rachelle, and her husband, Jess, and their little boy, Walker, for lunch at a really good Mexican restaurant. I really enjoyed my enchiladas, and after the dinner we had had the night before I was feeling very fat and happy on our way to Houston.
When we got there we stayed with Matt's Aunt Vicki and Uncle Steve, whom I had met before but never really gotten to know until this trip. They are hilarious! We spent a lot of time just sitting on their couches talking long into the night, and Bennett loved their little poodle Katy and all the attention he got.

The next day we got back in the car and drove to see one of the greatest ladies I know. Her name is Grandma Pat, and although she has no blood relation to Matt's family she is definitely their "grandma" in every sense of the word. Grandma Pat is the reason Matt came home on his R&R earlier than we had planned. Because a few months ago we found out that Grandam Pat had developed several brain tumors.
We drove to her home in Rosenburg (right outside of Houston) and spent about an hour talking to her and her husband, Bobby Jack, before she needed to go to her next doctor's appointment. Despite the way I am sure she is feeling, she was still the same old Grandma Pat, full of fire and grit and ready to take on anything that came her way. It was really good to see her, and we think of and pray for her often.
After our visit, we drove back to Aunt Vicki and Uncle Steve's house to get our stuff and say one last goodbye before heading back to our home.

When we got home we spent our time together, going to Story Time at the library, playing at the park, going for bike rides (which Bennett hates even more than sledding) and eating dinners and lunches with good friends. We had such a great time together it was hard to believe it would ever end.
But of course, Thursday came and we had to say goodbye again for a few more months. When Matt walked into the airport Bennett immediately started asking me where his daddy was. I told him Daddy was going to go on an airplane. Bennett thought that was pretty cool and kept saying, "Ma daddy (gibberish gibberish gibberish) ah-pane!" So I thought he pretty much got the concept...until we got home.
As soon as we pulled in the driveway, Bennett got so excited and started looking for his daddy in every room in the house, saying "Oh! Ma Daddy!" When he couldn't find him he got pretty upset and demanded to know where his daddy had gone. I told him he was on an airplane and that he had to go back to work. That seemed to satisfy him for awhile again, but about every three minutes or so he would ask me all over again and I had to keep reminding him most of the day.
But like I said, we have already done this before, so it made it a little easier to move on and get right back in our routine. In fact, the same day Matt left I babysat Jace, went on a walk with my neighborhood friends, hosted an impromptu play date at our house, and had a Primary Presidency meeting. No time for moping around here.
Bennett still asks me where his daddy is occasionally, and even though Matt is back at work (and I've tried telling that to him) the only explanation Bennett wants to hear is that his daddy is on an airplane. So for the next eight months Matt will forever be flying to Iraq. Have fun with that sweetheart :)