Matt did the pictures, so I was wrangled into doing the words. I really love writing, but tonight I am really involved in the latest episode of Modern Family, my guilty pleasure series. So just for the time being, let's see how brief we can make this...I'll be more thorough tomorrow.

Matt's truck

A really distorted picture from the front.

It doesn't really look this out of proportion...

We went to Oklahoma to visit Griffin and Ashland and, of course, Baby Odey.

The new Wal Mart in Cleveland Oklahoma opened while we were there. It was a big deal for a little town. We were some of the first in line to go in.

Bennett and Zoey were very cute cousins. Here they are holding hands in the car.

We went to a super fun pumpkin patch. Tons of pumpkins, tons of fun.

Hugs at the Pumpkin Patch

Zoey helping pick out the perfect one.

Feeding the crazy goats at the petting zoo. This thing seriously took the entire bag of food right out of my hand and then ran. It was awesome.

Riding the horses.


Bennett and Zoey were pretty dang cute. We love these kids.

Going on the 35 second hayride. It was worth it.

Bennett and Uncle Griffin on the hayride.

A pile of pumpkins to choose from. Daunting...daunting...

Sadly, the best family picture from the day. We do what we can with what we have.

Told Bennett man to hammer in the nails sticking up and he went after it with a vengeance.
(written by Matt)

We had to try out the new slide...dont worry Griff held up the slide in the middle so it wouldn't break. (written by Matt)

Zoey trying out their new slide. It was in the forest behind Griffin and Ashland's house so Griffin and Matt spent a thrilling afternoon moving it through the fence to their backyard.

This is the box Matt made Zoey. Pretty cute.

So after a few days at Griffin and Ashland's, we got in the car and drove to a different part of Oklahoma to see Matt's family. Here we are at Logan's Roadhouse during one of our pit stops. Bennett was bored so we occupied him with the camera. Can you tell he is showing his "happy face"?

This is our dream house. I LOVE this house. And guess what?

Not only is it beautiful, located on several acres of gorgeous forest and ranch land, but it is literally SEVEN minutes from a main shopping center and highway. Love it. Want it. Matt needs to work more.

Bennett and his black cat buddy at Uncle Clay's and Aunt Annie's. This kid was born to be dirty.

Cole catching an armadillo. Kinda scary, kinda fun.

We got to go to Cole's talent show where he won first place with his fiddle playing. He was awesome!

Going out on the Gator. Bennett's dream car.

Pure joy. We laugh in the face of danger.

Bennett's driving was almost as good as Matt tells me.

Bennett got to sit on Pop's fully refinished Minneapolis Molin...same kinda tractor Pop used to plow fields with when he was a kid. (Written by Matt)

Matt finally got to visit Grandma Pat. It was good for him. She was pretty special to him.

Who says the south doesn't have big deer. I might just pass out if I ever saw a deer this big walk out in front of me. (should we guess who wrote this?)

Aunt Annie drives a school bus in her off time. Bennett has a new hero.

I don't think I'm ready for this image yet. It makes me feel like packing him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

This is a coffin Matt built for a HUGE Halloween party we are having in a week. I guarantee we will post that.

I guess Matt had the camera at church? Here is Bennett in sacrament. He is a really good kid...when he wants to be...We love him all the time.
OK, I'll go back later and fill in the blanks, but here's the skeleton. Fun, fun fun times.