Six hours of church is a lot of church. Primary President. Here we go.
This week was busy. Every week lately is busy. We have both been running running running with work stuff, scout stuff, primary stuff, Bennett stuff, Dr. stuff, house stuff, etc. that I feel like Matt and I are strangers passing in the night...but not even that, since I go to bed around 8:30pm with Bennett and Matt stays up until a decent grown-up hour, and then I sleep in until 7:30am with Bennett, and Matt wakes up at 5:30am to get to the gym. The time we do have together though we enjoy, and this week we got to spend some of it down in San Antonio.
Those of you who know Matt have probably noticed a scar on his right cheek. Despite what he tells people (knife fights in dark alleyways) he actually got this from a cyst that was removed as a teenager. Now, as an adult, he has developed another cyst in the exact same spot on his left cheek. Cysts aren't really dangerous, but they hurt a lot, so Matt looked into getting this new one removed as well.
Thanks to his medical hook-ups, he managed to get in with one of the best plastic surgeons at the Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, which is awesome. This surgeon thinks she can not only take out this new cyst without leaving a scar, but she is going to go into the old one and try to clean it up as well. We will see how it goes this Thursday. Cross your fingers. However, there was a lot of in-processing with this minor surgery, so this last Thursday and Friday we spent in San Antonio getting Matt all set up and visiting with family.
The highlight of this trip was visiting Wayne at work at Rackspace. When we went I didn't really know what to expect, but it turns out Wayne helps run a very large company that has some AWESOME work ethics. I mean, we walked in and were instantly in awe of all the cool stuff there the slide you took to the bottom floor instead of the stairs. Or the giant screen TVs on almost every wall, equipped with video gaming devices. Or the people riding around on scooters instead of walking, or the couches one guy was asleep on, or the trees growing inside the building, or the lack of walls everywhere, even with the CEO office. Everything was just open and out there. I kept waiting for the cotton candy and the men on stilts, but I guess we missed that day. I mean, it was seriously awesome how laid back everything was, but how efficient everything still ran. And even with all this going on, Bennett's favorite thing was the "up-calators" (escalators). Well, those and the huge slide, but that goes without saying. It was really cool.
We also got to visit with Bekah and Nathan and Mary and Joe, and we had a lot of fun turning a doctor visit into a vacation. We are excited to go back next week, when we have plans to hit Costco and stock up on a two-year supply of toilet paper. (Seriously, we buy enough for two years. I can't remember the last time I bought toilet paper...)
And speaking of toilet paper...yesterday I put Bennett down for a nap with his "big boy" underwear on. We do this occasionally, and so far have had no accidents. He has a very strong bladder. About half an hour after I laid him down, I saw a little flash of a two-year-old down the hall, and went to see (rather angrily) why he wasn't still in bed. Imagine my shock and surprise when I turned the corner and heard a little tinkling sound. There, standing over the toilet, was my little boy, relieving himself without assistance, like he had been doing it all his life. I mean, he goes potty all the time, but usually he tells me first and then I help him "prep". This time he just did it on his own, and when he saw me he said, "I can do this all by myself, Mom. Please back up, I need prime-a-see (privacy)." It was super exciting and totally weird at the same time. So all we need to do now is teach him how to drive, and our jobs as parents are done. Easy.
Other than that we have just been taking it one day at a time with everything. I am starting to get pregnant-looking, Matt is building a replica covered wagon in our garage, and Bennett is recognizing almost all of the letters of the alphabet. One day I will put pictures on here, but today I am considering myself really on the ball for even writing this. So until next time...