Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Trying Again

You know those charts illustrating evolution you would see in Science class growing up? Like where it starts with a little amoeba in some water, and then it grows into a weird crawly thing, and then into a bug, to a small animal, to a monkey, to a human? Well, I feel like I have experienced that first hand during this pregnancy. And I have finally made it out of weird crawly stage and back into a human being.

As Bennett would say, "Hooray Mommy!" (I have no idea why he uses this word, because nobody actually says this word in real life. But he picked it up from somewhere.)

So what has been going on?

-Lots of laying in the floor and throwing up. But like I said, that is all behind us now. Mostly. I still throw up at least once a day, but it's just sort of a part of my routine now. I'll take it!

- Bennett is potty trained. How did I do it? I waited until he was almost three, put some underwear on him, and told him to use the potty. Done. Actually, there was more to it than that, but mostly he just figured it out on his own, which was good because I have been MIA as a mom lately. Poor guy.

- Matt's new job is going really well. I think he is the Brigade Medical Something Something Officer. It's really important and he is in with all the big wigs now, which has its ups and downs. Mostly ups though, so we are happy. He is awesome at what he does and I am lucky to be his "Officer Wife." We get to go to lots of fancy parties and use the words "Sir" and "Maam" a lot.

- I am Primary President. Yes. After four years in primary, they have finally promoted me to the top. It's not bad so far, since I feel like I could do primary in my sleep (which I think I do do on some Sundays) but it is definitely keeping me busier. I also just spoke in church a few Sundays ago, and then got asked to do a musical number in a few more Sundays, with a lot of other church-related meetings and responsibilities along the way. I tell you what, church keeps us going around here. On a related happy note, I am no longer over Cub Scouts (HOORAY again!) so at least I can ditch the sixty-something men in knee-high socks and short shorts at Round Table each month. Whew!

- This baby in me is a gymnast. He/She moves and rolls and kicks and I love it. Matt can feel it move too, and we lay in bed at night and just watch the performance. I think it's a girl. Matt thinks it's a boy. I guess we'll know in about three weeks for sure, but you won't because we aren't telling. :)

- Our good, good friends the Askerlunds just moved to Afghanistan (Erik) and Utah (Joelle and Brielle). We are sad sad sad here. But we are lucky to have lots of other friends to keep us busy. That is definitely one of the down sides of military life. Thank goodness for cell phones and Facebook though. We'll see them again.

- There's more. A lot more. But honestly I can't think of anything else that is pertinent enough to go on here right now. So that's about where we are. I am going to try to take this blog back now that I am back to myself again. We'll see how it goes. Wish us luck!!


Courtney Hazard said...

Hooray! You updated! I feel like I'm kind of caught up on your life now. I hope you feel completely better soon. I love you

Heather Jones said...

yay! You are alive! When are you due? Are we due the exact same time? Sounds like you might be a little ahead of me. I can't believe you can feel your baby. I've got nothing. Jealous!

Courtney Hazard said...

Oh my goodness, an update! It was so fun to catch up on your lives. Sounds like everything is going great. Yeah for Bennett being potty trained! LIfe just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

The Hazard Family said...

Okay, that last comment was from MOM! I keep forgetting that Courtney uses my computer more than I do and I need to check those things.