For the last couple of weeks we have been trying and trying to figure out a way to visit two of our favorite people. Grandma and Grandpa Hazard (that's
great Grandma and Grandpa Hazard to Bennett) live in Dallas, only a three hour drive from us. However, since we have lived here we have only seen them a handful of times. Either they were traveling, or we were gone, or one of us was busy on the weekend that was good for the other. It just never seemed to work out!
But then Grandma called us a few weeks ago with a revelation...they are retired! They can go anywhere they want, whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a weekend to see us! So Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon we got to spend some quality time with GG and GP (great grandma and great grandpa. These are their new names, according to Grandma. I like them.)
We didn't have long to spend together, but we made the most of our time. Thursdays Matt gets off work early, so he came home about the same time they got here and we just talked and caught up on all the latest Hazard family gossip. Then things really picked up, since I had already committed to feeding the sister missionaries
and watching my friends' two little boys. It was a little chaotic, but Grandma and Grandpa didn't seem to mind. They taught us all how to play Bridge, and I officially decided to never become a professional card player.
Friday we met Matt at work for lunch on base, and then I took them on my own version of "The Tour of Duty"--OK, OK, we got lost for 20 minutes trying to get home. It was hilarious though. Grandpa is quite the navigator. :)
Unfortunately, me, Matt and Bennett had to leave for a scout camp in San Antonio, so we left Grandma and Grandpa in our home for the night, and they took off the next day after a riveting round of Shingles shots (the other reason they came to Killeen.)
Even though we only got to see them for awhile, it was so fun. We love those guys!

I walk with a friend most mornings, so Friday Grandma came with us. This lady can

Matt, Grandma, Bennett, and Grandpa, standing in line at the sandwich shop.

Enjoying the meal.

Enjoying the wrapper.