Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movin' On Up!

So I realize that this is a little behind the fact, but Matt was promoted to a First Lieutenant October 14, and we are so dang proud of him! Of course there was a ceremony, because there is always a ceremony for everything in the Army, but I actually enjoyed this one...and there was cake afterward. :)

Maimie came up for the big day...

...and Pop surprised us by coming too! We thought he was going to have to work, so it was cool he got to be there. This is him talking to the Colonel.

Lots of people were there, and I was happy to realize that I actually knew a lot of them and what their jobs were. I think this Army wife thing is growing on me!

This is the actual reading of the orders for Matt to be promoted. And yes, it cuts off right before the important stuff. Sorry! I knew I should have checked the batteries before we left!

But this is basically what happened after the movie died. The commander guy (OK, I'm not that good at the Army thing) ripped off the old rank and put on the new one. Kind of like a Scout Court of Honor, but without all the cheesy cheers.

And then Matt made a beautiful speech about America. It was very inspiring, although I was so busy fighting with the silly camera I don't really know what he said. I'm sure it was fabulous. I did, however, get a good shot of his new rank. It is a black bar, instead of a gold one. Very cool.

Then the beautiful, supportive wife got to get up and give her shining hero a big ol' smack-a-roo. (For those of you who were at our wedding, you may remember we are not very good kissers in public...it was interesting, to say the least.)

And then we ate cake!!
P.S- It is never a good idea to use black frosting. It may look good on the cake, but not so much on your teeth.

This is Matt's piece I cut from the middle of the cake. :)

All in all it was a beautiful ceremony, and we are all so happy for Matt and all he does. I am very lucky to be married to such a wonderful guy who takes such good care of us. Congratulations Mattie-Poo!

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