Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shock and Awe

We have lots and lots to share. Swimming lessons, the fourth of July, potty training breakthroughs, new gym memberships, house redecoration...

...and one day I will blog about these things.

But today, I am simply going to revel in the fact that it was a Sunday
and it was a good day.

I never thought I would utter those words all together in the same sentence like that. Ever. But it happened, and I am happy.

This morning I was awoken by Bennett's nose three inches from my face, informing me that it wasn't nighttime anymore. It was 6:45am. That is still nighttime in my book. So Bennett went back to bed until 7:04, at which time I was again awakened by a cheerful voice telling me there was sunshine in Bennett's room. We really need to invest in some blackout curtains for that boy.

So we sat in my bed and read books.
And then we ate waffles for breakfast.
Bennett took a bath, and went down for his early Sunday nap, during which he actually slept.
I took a long shower and shaved my legs.
By the time we left for church, I had dinner ready to go in the crock pot, the house was clean, Bennett was well rested, and both of us were looking our Sunday best.

And I didn't even feel like crying.

On our ride to church Bennett and I had the following conversation

Bennett: "I go to see Oma today."
Me: "Yes you are. We see Oma at church."
Bennett: "Bennett get candy, in his mouth."
Me: "Yep, you probably will."
Bennett: "Bennett go to play with toys today."
Me: "Man Bennett, do you even know why we go to church? Do you know who Jesus is?"
Bennett: (dramatic gasp) "Jesus for a sunbeam!!!"
Me: "Ya, you love that song!"
Bennett: (another dramatic gasp) "Mommy!!!"
Me: "What?"
Bennett: "Mommy!!! Jesus love Bennett!!"
Me: "Yes he does!"
Bennett: "Mommy!!!"
Me: "What?"
Bennett: "Mommy!!! Jesus love Mommy!"
Me: "Yes he does."

I guess Bennett is learning a thing or two at church after all :)

When we got home, I didn't want to huddle in the fetal position and rock back and forth (a rare occurrence here).
We ate our delicious dinner.
We watched Cars.
We made cookies and gave some to our neighbors.
We took a bath.
We went to bed.

And I am still in shock.

I just had to write this down, because usually our Sunday's represent something from an Alfred Hitchcock film instead of a quiet day of rest.

But I am not complaining.
I must have done something really good this week...


Courtney Hazard said...

So happy for you. Bennett is the cutest boy. I CANNOT wait to see you and him!

Heather Jones said...

Oh haley, you always make me laugh, and probably because my sundays are usually awful too! At least your son ia learning something in church, I fear the worst for Lincoln.

Alison and Troy said...

I used to nit understand why people don't like Sunday's. Now I don't want to go to church but hide in my bed all day. I'm so happy you had a good one!