I am copping out. Do you know how long it takes to go through eight-hundred pictures and choose the right ones and put little captions underneath that are informative and witty? A long time. So I'm not going to do it. Instead, I am going to take my parent's blog, Griffin and Ashland's blog, and Allison's amazing professional photography website (http://allisonkayphotography.blogspot.com), and compile my own fantastic plagiarized blog post. Because, honestly, why try to reinvent the wheel? But I will just say it was a BLAST!!!
P.S- There is a lot here. I just really wanted the pictures to be printed in our Blog Book at the end of the year, so don't feel like you need to look at this. It is purely for us.
First up: HAZARDOUS HIGHLIGHTS (aka: My parent's blog)
Some of these pictures are out of order, but that's okay. I'll go in and fix them later. We had a great time at our first "Greg and Nancy Hazard" family reunion in Oklahoma. Griff and Ash were wonderful hosts and we hardly noticed the heat. Haley and Bennett made the drive up from Texas which added tons of fun to the reunion. And the drive out with Nancy, Allison, and Courtney was a great way to start the reunion. Of course, we greatly missed Logan and his family, and Matt, but we are proud of them for where and what they are doing.
A pair of beautiful women. Ash and Zoey. Like mother like daughter.
Pool time!! The neighborhood pool was always a good option. Here's Nancy walking home. She's beautiful too!
Boat time!! We spent a couple of mornings on Hominy lake about 10 miles from Griff and Ash's house. It was very refreshing and lots of fun. Allison and Bennett . . . the boat mates!
Another walk to the pool. With such company, the walk was almost as fun as the swim.
Food time. Zoey and Courtney. Food mates!!
We got to visit the law office where Griff works. Very nice.
(P.S- The entire lobby of this building was made of glass walls, which Bennett literally ran into at one point. Easily the funniest part of my day. Poor boy never even knew what hit him...)
Griff's office is in the building in the background. I don't know how he gets anything done with the view he has from his 4th story total window office. It was beautiful.
Pool time!
Tuesday was Zoey's first birthday. We went to Jeff and Charlotte's home for a birthday celebration. Happy birthday Zoey. It's been a good year. Now it's time to get some teeth.
Happy birthday! Mom and Dad did good.
Wow!! Is all this for me???
Zoey and Bennett playing together. They were great parallel players.
After we got Griff from work, we went to the "Fat Boy Burger Bar" for dinner. The best hamburger I've ever had. It is about a block from Oklahoma State and right next to the minor league baseball field. Fun, fun, fun!
The captain.
Sometimes it takes two.
Here's two of the happiest people on the planet. Thanks kids!
Haley and Bennett. Swimming lessons between wake boarders.
Ahh, the four siblings. We missed Logan and his family a lot.
Come on Nancy and Bennett . . . hands up!!
(P.S- Bennett LOVED the tube. Even when we all fell off, he came up laughing. I was lucky to come up at all, considering I was so worried about him drowning he was sitting on top of me. I seriously have never heard him laugh so hard for so long.)
Woo Hoo ... go grandma!!
No Bennett, you've got to stay in the tube.
We could do this all day!!
Submarine time. No, no, no, no . . . !
(Courtney was the best with Bennett. She would be screaming in terror, and Bennett would be laughing like a maniac. Polar opposites in the water.)
Wake boarding. Hurray for Haley.
(I almost got air on a jump. Next time, next time...)
and Courtney!
and Griff!!
and ????? guess who this is.
Skier down . . . hands up! This was Bennett's job.
Boat time. What a fun group.
More boat time. Bennett found out the boat was "slippery" and had a good laugh.
Allison and Nancy. "We just like staying in the boat".
Bennett teaching Captain Griff how to drive.
Allison and Ash. Don't they look like twins?
Cool glasses Court.
Happy Dad.
More boat time. Hands up Court!
We all love Nancy. I like to refer to her as my miracle woman.
Golf time. Go Griff.
Go Court . . . the 23rd time is the charm!
Go Ash . . . it's not that hot.
(This is exactly why I stayed home...)
Hit away Ash. Show us how it's done.
We had thoughts of boating on the cool lake while we golfed in the cool 100 degree weather.
I found it!!!
The cute family at the Tulsa Aquarium
(This place was awesome!)
Zoey and Griff at the Aquarium.
Tennis anyone. Lots of fun. The courts are next to the pool, so we could play, get hot, and then cool down immediately. Very nice.
More tennis time, pool time, and cool clothing time.
I can't believe he didn't get a rose!! What is she thinking?!
Shooting time on the ranch. Don't mess with these guys. Especially the one in green.
(Haha! favorite picture from the trip)
Touching the sea animals at the Aquarium.
More shooting on the ranch. Get out of the way cows.
Dinner with Jeff, Charlotte, and the Sellers. Thank you, thank you for the great time. We got pay back when you come to Rexburg.
"I used to could hit stuff.
Introducing: FINCH AND THE NIGHTINGALE (aka: Griffin and Ashland's blog)
Zoey's First Birthday...
Hanging out...
Eating out...
And instead of getting a tattoo or a piercing, we the girls decided to get feather extension in our hair to commemorate the trip.
"Because we're trendy like that"
And Finally: ALLISON KAY PHOTOGRAPHY (aka: Allison's photography blog)
grandpa and bennett
courtney taught us about "planking" on this trip. apparently it's very cool. this is her demonstrating how it's done.
courtney and bennett
bennett's favorite thing to do was to "water water grandpa"
look at that mischievous face.
grandpa "water watering" bennett
one year old outfit!
This picture reminds me of Dan In Real Life so I love it
i can't believe zoey is already one! i'm so glad i got to be here to celebrate with her. she is one loved little girl!
Awesome! I have one request... Griffin and I both agree that the first picture on the blog of me should be taken out... it looks scary! Looking at all these photo's make me miss you all even more! Can't wait to see you soon
oh mylanta! what fun!!! that must have taken you FOREVER to post tho! (even if you did blog plagerize) can't wait to see you all sometime in the near future! we'll be in touch!
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