Monday, December 16, 2013

Work Fun

Just a couple of fun pics from work.  I have been very blessed to have a great group of people to share my last active duty time with.
So we are always trying to do a little something to build comradery between all the clinics so for Breast Cancer Awareness we all sported pic and had clinic decoration contest.  Loads of fun.
The guy in the bottom left is my boss....need I say more!

My old 1SG and my new 1SG getting chocolate suckers!

Everybody was in on it!

This was the winning clinc.  A pizza party from us at headquarters.

So to countinue on we celebrated MOVEMBER or National Prostate Cancer Awareness
Very cool cake!

Not the winning clinic but the best t-shirt

So we did a little additional with those that wanted to participate the BEST and WORST mustache in the DENTAC.

Since most of you know I fail miserably at growing facial hair so I had to sport the "fake" stache!

Also along with MOVEMBER we did a food drive for the Lawton Food Bank for Thanksgiving...never a dull moment!

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