OK, you asked to see it, and here it is! Our brand new home!! We are signing the official papers Tuesday (Feb. 24) and then we will start moving all our stuff from the barn in San Antonio to actual rooms in a house for the first time in almost a year! Yay!
Now, because I am so technically advanced, I think I put all these pictures in out of order. So to get the full affect from the front of the house to the back, feel free to scroll down now and then work your way back up to here.
Anyway, keep your hands and arms inside at all times, and enjoy the tour! :)

Our backyard and back porch! We will be having many a BBQ here!

Our Backyard!!! I LOVE this yard! It will be completely sodded by Tuesday when we sign the papers. I am so excited about this!!

The big ol' master closet. Again, Matt is building me basket shelves and shoe racks and all sorts of exciting things in here.

OK, this is the last picture of the master bathroom, I promise! For some reason there were a lot of them.

The master bathtub. Matt added the colored tile around the top and he is going to put a hanging light in above. Sometimes it pays to be married to a builder. :)

The Master Bathroom. The bathtub and shower are to the left, behind the door.

The master bedroom from the doorway. The master bath and closet are to the left (you can't see them in this photo.)

The kitchen and living room looking from where the kitchen table will go. The master bedroom door is just to the right of this picture. (Off of the entry hall.)

A corner of Bennett's room. It is surprisingly hard to get a decent picture of an entire room at the same time.

Matt standing "Super Man Style" in the guest bedroom. (This is YOUR room, whoever is reading this!!)

The big closet in the study. Other than this, it just kind of looks like an empty room.

The guest bathroom...I know, so exciting!!

The hallway to the three back bedrooms and guest bathroom. (The bathroom is the door that has the light on inside it. The study is after that, Matt is standing in the guest bedroom, and little Bennett's room is around the corner where you can't really see it.

The kitchen looking from the spot where our table will go. I LOVE IT!!

My big, beautiful kitchen looking from the living room. (Isn't Matt an excellent model?)

The Family Room looking from the entry hall. You can't tell in the pictures, but the carpet in this house is SOOO comfy! (This was very important to me, since I prefer to spend most of my time laying on the floor.)

Matt's favorite room in the house! We have big plans for this garage...big plans. :) This is also my laundry room. Because it is so warm in Texas there is no problem with this.

This is the entry hall looking towards the front door. The door that is open on the left is to the garage, and the one next to that is a coat closet.

Me, Matt, and my tummy in our front yard. Both the front and back yards will be landscaped and sodded by the time we close on Tuesday!
yay for homeownership! so excited for you guys...and yay for sod! gotta love the instant lawn! the fence is also purty! and yes, nice modeling matt, why are you always waving? we can see you! :) miss you guys, and yes that tummy is gettin big! but you are one CUTE pregnant lady! seriously, i've seen a ton, and you are adorable.
p.s. jake LOVES the cabinets and how dark they are.
Matt & Haley!
I am so happy for you both! What an exciting time in your life. I cannot wait to come and visit your new house! I almost said what a cute little house, but it is huge! Goodluck with all the moving part- it is just perfect. And Matt, I love the tiling that you did around the master bathtub. It looks great! Have a wonderful day! I love you guys!
love bekah
Oh I love your house!! It is so beautiful and I absolutely love the outside. Congrats!!
Hayley! Oh my goodness, I found you. Haha. Since I've stopped getting updates from Mom when you had a class together, I've been wondering how you're doing. It looks like you're doing GREAT! It's good to see your happy face!
Yay! How exciting Haley (and Matt!) But one thing, Im really kinda jealous that you are in warm enough weather to wear a SHORT sleeve shirt :-)
Hays I'm totally excited for you! The house is beautiful and so are you! You look so great! I'm excited to come and stay in your guest bedroom:) Love ya!
So stinking exciting! And your bathtub in your guest bathroom is the same one that I have in my apartment in both bathrooms, only our actual tubs are garden tubs, but the wall and the bar are the same, just in case you wanted to know. So basically I'll feel right at home when I come and visit! Your belly is so cute, you are getting close!! I can't wait for you, and am already jealous that I can't be having a baby again in a few weeks, not that I'm baby hungry yet, it's just such an amazingly exciting time! Can't wait for you!!
Yeah! We'll have to come and visit!
In case your blog ever gets political, you might want to show this:
Yay! I'm excited for you guys. The house looks great. Is the house in San Antonio?
Gestational Diabetes are NO fun. It is amazing how it just goes away as soon as the baby is born though. Don't forget her snickers, Matt!! Those pregnancy cravings are hard core. Haha. I hope to be able to meet your beautiful wife and new baby someday soon. Take care.
Hi Haley! I just read your whole blog and it was so fun. You guys are so cute and I cannot wait to see little Bennett. By the way that is my favorite name... I know that is rude to say to my two other children but they will never read this:)! Your house is so cute! And, I am so sorry that you have to deal with diabetes during your pregnancy. It is a lot of work. Thank goodness it will go away soon though! I will be checking your blog all the time now and I cannot wait to see your cute baby!
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