Some of these feelings of anti-literacy may stem from the fact that I am once again in school...kind of. I started my LAST Communications class online this week (hip, hip, hooray!) and will begin my LAST art class sometime next month. Both of these classes translate into Bachelor's Degree, AKA, diploma, AKA, finally, and it cannot come soon enough!
I also got to go to a doctor's appointment in San Antonio and visit Mary, Wayne, Bekah and Nathan while I was there, go visiting teaching, feed the missionaries dinner, and kill a record number of spiders in our bathroom. My life is riveting!
Matt had a great week, too. We spent a fun Memorial day together in Lowe's, where he got his dream weed eater. It was like Christmas for him, you should have seen his face. On Friday we went out to lunch with some of the people he works with, and he also got a new calling in our ward. Three callings, actually. He is Assistant Scout Master, Deacon's Quorum Adviser, and Young Men's Secretary. All of these callings are really the same thing, but he is SO excited to be Scout Master. He has already pulled out his old shirt and created the most complete handbook I have ever seen. He is going to be great, and the boys have no idea how lucky they are to have him.

Our Bennett-Boy has also accomplished quite a lot this week, including becoming an extremely proficient eater and sleeper! Mom is thrilled about both these developments. Bennett will eat seven minutes (exactly) on both sides now, and consistently sleeps from 10 p.m to 5 a.m! That's a good solid SEVEN HOURS of sleep, for those of you who are math deficient like me, and let me tell you, I am loving it! He is such a good little guy, and pretty dang cute to boot!

And now to the garden. We have been wanting to put this in for awhile now, but we finally did it this weekend! Here is how you too can do it.
Fill the back of the large truck up with dirt and shovel one million scoops of dirt into the outline of your garden. CAUTION: May cause severe blisters and back pain.

Look Cute.
Eat some lunch.

We also found a couple of these magazine holder things, so we got five for two dollars. Now my office is completely organized! Maybe this is only exciting to me...?
Anyway, it was a really good week, even if not much happened.
Fill the back of the large truck up with dirt and shovel one million scoops of dirt into the outline of your garden. CAUTION: May cause severe blisters and back pain.


Play some football in the park with Mom and Dad.
(There is supposed to be a stinkin' video here, but after trying to upload it three times I gave up. I will take a picture later and post it. Right now I am tired of looking at this screen. Sorry!)
(There is supposed to be a stinkin' video here, but after trying to upload it three times I gave up. I will take a picture later and post it. Right now I am tired of looking at this screen. Sorry!)

And on a more random note, I have developed some new theories concerning the breeding habits of the ducks at the park that may or may not involve a chicken and/or a vulture...
Oh one more thing! I was inspired by Chantell's blog about the greatness of buying stuff for cheap, so when we passed a little garage sale on our way to Wal Mart we decided to stop and see what we could find.

We also found a couple of these magazine holder things, so we got five for two dollars. Now my office is completely organized! Maybe this is only exciting to me...?
Anyway, it was a really good week, even if not much happened.