So the long-awaited trip finally arrived! Wednesday afternoon Bennett and I loaded up the Explorer and drove to San Antonio. We stayed with Mary and Wayne for the night, (THANK YOU!!) and then wonderful Mary got up at 4:00 in the morning on Thursday to drive us to the airport.
Bennett slept like a champ the entire way to Utah, and needless to say I was VERY happy about it. My mom, Courtney, and Becca Mills (Courtney's friend) picked us up from the Salt Lake Airport. It was SO fun to see them, and to see the rest of my family, too!
Matt caught a late flight Thursday night, and met us at our hotel just in time to get a couple hours of sleep before the wedding.
Griffin and Ashland were sealed in in the Salt Lake City, Utah temple June 19, 2009, and it was beautiful. I even shed a tear or two. :) After the ceremony, there were the traditional wedding pictures coming out of the temple and on the steps, but we forgot our camera in the car and were both too lazy to run clear across the street to get it. Sorry!
We did get it for the luncheon though, which was amazing! It was in an actual reception hall, the first I have ever been in in my life, with a harp player and great catered food and beautiful decorations. So fun!
This trip also doubled as a mini family reunion for us. The ENTIRE Hazard family was there, a lot of the Hill family (my mom's side) and all of my brothers, sisters, sister-in laws, and nieces and nephews...if you count the fact that Rachel is currently carrying two of them. :) We spent the nights at my Grandma Hill's house and the days at Aunt Jill's, and had so much fun with everybody! Bennett also loved getting to meet all his aunts and uncles and cousins for the first time!
Saturday we got to help Courtney move into her dorm room at BYU, where she is attending the Freshman Accademy. It brought back a lot of memmories for me of moving into my first apartment. It is wierd to think that my little sister is so old. My family is growing up!
We flew home Sunday morning, and Bennett and I had quite the experience, let me tell you. We sat next to a long-haired, heavily-tatooed, cigarett-smoking man...who was the nicest person I have ever met in my life! He held Bennett for me while I tried to clean up various messess (Spit-up, know) and we talked the whole way like old friends. The girl in front of me helped me change Bennett in the world's smallest bathroom, and the little four-year-old girl accross from us helped me give him a bottle and drew us all beautiful pictures. It was a very eventful ride home, but one I will always smile when I think about. There are such good people everywhere.
We got picked up at the airport again by Mary, who missed church this time to do so, (Thank you again Mary!) and then drove home just in time to meet Matt who had flown into the Austin Airport a few hours later.
It was one of the best, most fun weekends ever! Congratulations Griffin and Ashland, and thanks for inviting us! :)

Griffin and Ashland. This was actually my first time meeting Ashland, but she was so nice and so pretty. I am excited to be her new sister-in-law!

The reception hall, complete with harp player. Very fancy-schmancy.

Instead of cake they had fabulous gourmet cupcakes from the Cocoa Bean in Rexburg...I think Griffin really liked them.

The weather was beautiful. It made me miss Idaho summers and the Rocky Mountains. I like Texas too.

It's never really a wedding until Grandma Hill cries. :)

My cute, redheaded niece, Evelyn.

Bennett , just doing what he does best.

The new-and-improved Hazard Family

We all got into the wedding spirit...maybe a little too much! (Actually, this is my wedding veil Ashland used.)

One of the best parts of this weekend for me was getting to see everybody...even my bestest friend from Idaho! Amand and I have been friends since the eights grade, and she drove 400 miles with her cute, cute little girl to see me for one hour! What amazing friends I have! I love you, Amanda!

Courtney in her new dorm room. It is wierd that she is in college, but she will do great!