Well this would be great but its more like................

Oh sorry, was day dreaming there for a sec. When your like a couple few thousand miles away from your wife and your first baby you tend to get a little depressed. (Oh, did I mention I live in a 15x15 foot solid white room?) No I'm not in prison I'm at a mandatory officer training school waiting for it to start. Ha Ha Ha. Good news Haley and I have picked out a new lot in the same neighborhood, and building will commence in like a few weeks. Needless to say we are very excited. Haley is coming along smashingly in her school work. Even though she wants to quit almost every day, she is quite the trooper for hanging in there. Greg and Nancy have been fantastic in helping us out at this time in our life.
I have been officially reasinged at Ft. Hood to the 1st Cav/1st Brigade HHC (or for you non military that is the Headquarters Battalion). We will permanently move to Ft. Hood beginning February of next year. My legs are all healed up and I commence training the last week in October.
On another note I had an interesting conversation with my cousin in law, Jake Roecker about Mohammad and religion. The interesting fact was fallibility in religion. For those that have read the Koran (which is a very interesting piece of literature, and contain some great words). It contradicts itself just to may times. You have to have other books to help decipher what the meaning of phrases are. In some ways the Bible does that to itself at times also. That is the beauty of the Book Of Mormon. An infallible book, the infallible word of God to help guide us and help us in our day. It is such a great feeling in an era that is so fraught with uncertainty that there is a guiding light with which to set our course by. Anyway just a thought. Something I wanted to just throw out there. From our family to yours hope yall have a good one.
Matthew & Haley