Well Well Well .... another week at Ft. Sill for me and another week down for Haley which means one more weak closer to Graduation. One little piece of excitement that we had this week was that Haley had her first sonogram of our new baby. It's pretty exciting to think that little bit of black and white image is going to be our baby. I know yall that have been through this before probably find this boring to read ;) but we're pretty excited.
Winter is coming around and its beginning to be cold. In Oklahoma its dropped down to the 80's (wow) In Rexburg its all ready getting down to the 40's. We finally decided on our house that we will live in come next year. Haley is all excited to put the babies room together. She wants white everything.(Hey she's gonna be the momma so whatever she wants) My deer heads still go on the wall. Compromise right. That's what marriage is all about. But of course anything Haley wants built well I guess she's gonna get that too. Kinda love the girl alot. Like to keep her happy. Haley ran the Alpine river this weekend. Always a load of fun.
Well anyway we hope everybody is doing well and hope yall enjoy the picutres we've put on.
Matt & Haley

This is what our new house will look like. Grandpa and Grandma Hazard came down to Killeen and helped us pick stuff out for the house.

Almost forgot, Haley and I celebrated our first anniversary as a married people. Mom, Wayne, and Sarah helped me put together a little restaurant at the house for Haley.

Took a ride over to Luckenbach Texas, ( Jerry Jeff Walker, Waylon Jennings to just name a few) Haley found herself an Idaho license plate on the wall of license plates. There's literally 100's of plates put there.

Be careful where you step down south!!!
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