Thursday afternoon we had little scare here with the Fort Hood shootings, where 12 people were killed, and upwards of 30 were wounded. Thankfully, Matt was down the street from the building where it all happened. And while he was close enough to hear the shots and was in lock-down for over seven hours afterwords, he was involved in no other way besides the fact that his medics were some of the first-responders to the wounded.
We would just like to send out a great big "thank you" to everybody who called, texted, and Facebooked us to make sure we were OK. It makes us feel very blessed and loved that there are so many, many people out there who care about our little family.
This incident also made Matt and I appreciate each other a little more, so on Friday we decided it was time for a little one-on-one time. We left Bennett with some friends and went to this way cool Put-Put Palace, where you can ride unlimited go-carts, bumper boats, play arcade games, and mini-golf, for only ten dollars a person. It was sweet! We spent so much time in the arcade and golfing, though, that we didn't have time for the go-carts or boats. That's OK, it gives us a reason to go back.

You can't pay nothing and expect to get everything. This was the most ghetto put-put course I have ever been too, complete with some of the biggest rats I have ever seen. (Did you know rats can climb trees?!!) I know, it sounds horrifying, but we were laughing so hard we didn't care.

Matt in "the cave." I'm almost positive this is where all the rats lived. Needless to say, we putted through this hole pretty dang fast.

Matt's hole-in-two. My hole-in-thirteen. I have no patience for this game.

The twisty pen we won with our 85 arcade tickets. Matt, always the gentleman, let me have it. What a nice guy. :)

OK, I may not be good at golf, but I dominated in the motorcycle arcade game! I got first place and won us a free game. Not to brag or anything...
It was a fun night, ending with a romantic dinner in the Whataburger parkinglot. You know, it doesn't really matter what we do, as long as we are together. :)