Monday, November 30, 2009

Pre-Thanskgiving Festivities

Since Maimie (Matt's mom) is a nurse, she is required to work at least one major holiday per year. This year it was Thanksgiving. Not wanting her to miss out on the fun family stuff, we all agreed to wait until Saturday to celebrate Thanksgiving. Therefore, Thursday came and went without too much of a fuss, except we did discover that if you try to eat out on Thanksgiving Day you will starve because nowhere is open.

Not wanting to waste a perfectly good day off, Matt and I decided to drive down to San Antonio Wednesday night and do some chores around Maimie and Pop's house Thursday. (When I say "we" here, I really mean Matt and Pop. I took a nap.)

They cleared cedar, painted the gate, got down all the Christmas decorations from the barn, and hung lights. They were busy, busy, busy, but they actually enjoyed it. Maybe I am just lazy, but I do not enjoy working like Matt does. I just do stuff because I have to. He has a gift.

This is Matt, throwing more dead cedar on one of the bonfires they had going. There were three total. Many critters lost their homes on this day.

This fire actually got a lot higher later on, but I missed getting a picture. It burned the leaves in the tree above it.

Pop, keeping the fires in line. Me and Bennett rode on this tractor too, and had a near-death experience. Matt has no idea how close he came to losing his entire family at two miles-per-hour.

Workin' men.

When Matt painted the fence I decided to try to keep him company up top. It does not look like it here, but this is high. It's pretty cool until you look down.

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