Sunday, September 27, 2009

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...

Me and Bennett (OK, mostly me) are not very good sitters-arounders, so when Matt went down on his fishing trip we jumped on board for a free ride to San Antonio to visit some of our favorite people.

We spent a lot of time with Kim, Joe's wife, since she was also husbandless for the weekend. We shopped and talked and spent a wild and crazy night watching home videos. The police almost had to be called in to break up the madness of it all. :) We also went to the Relief Society Conference together, along with Mary, Sarah, Janell, and Aunt Mel, and I even got to go to the temple while Mary watched Bennett for me. It was all very fun, especially because we don't get to see Kim a whole lot.

Bennett and Aunt Kim. Bennett LOVED Kim. All she had to do was walk in the door and he would start laughing. They are good buddies.

These are the cute coats we got shopping at the outlet malls. They are so nice, and more importantly, so cheap! I am excited to finally have something to wear to church instead of my bulky ski jacket!

Joe and Kim have a dog named Gabby who is so cute in a mangy, aly-dog sort of way. I love her! Apparently, so did Bennett. This was his first close encounter with a dog and I think he thought it was a big stuffed animal that could move on it's own.

My favorite part is when he falls backwards. It's like he's considering whether or not he should be upset about the whole situation, and then decides the dog is way better than crying. Funny boy.

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