Before Matt left, we purchased plane tickets for Bennett and I to go to Rexburg, Idaho to be with my family for the month of December. So exciting! Our flight left December first. We also planned to spend Thanksgiving with Matt's sister and brother-in-law, Rachelle and Jess, in Pleasanton, Texas (about an hour from San Antonio). But since the Hargrave Family always celebrates Thanksgiving on the Saturday after the actual holiday, it ended up being only a few days later we were to fly out from the San Antonio Airport to go to Rexburg. And so, rather than drive back and forth from our home to Pleasanton, to our home, to San Antonio, we decided to simply skip from house to house until our departure date.
Good plan.
This means that on actual Thanksgiving day, Bennett and I were going to ignore the holiday (we would be having Thanksgiving a few days later) and simply order Pizza Hut and pack our bags. Instead, however, we ended up getting invited to spend the afternoon with our good buddies the Askerlund's, and eat a "Pre-Thanksgiving" feast. We had super good food and spent lots of quality time laying on the floor and letting it digest. It was so fun to be with people we like so much instead of packing bags (which I did later at an unholy hour, thanks to our procrastination). And, true to form, I took no pictures. Although I did have my camera.
The next day, we loaded up the car with everything we would need for the next six weeks, and began our first chapter of, "The Super Incredible Adventures of Haley and Bennett."
Three hours later, we pulled up to Rachelle and Jess' house, just in time to lose several games of Wii to my favorite nephews. I have no gaming skills. We spent the night there and woke up early to help Rachelle set up tables and chairs and make last-minute goodies for all of the family and friends that were on their way.
The day was great, filled with food and talking and food and games and food and playing and food. And food. And after all of that good food, we went out and roasted marshmallows over a bonfire. Because marshmallows are the perfect way to end a perfect day.
Bennett and I said our goodbyes to everybody after the marshmallow roast and followed Bekah and Nathan to their house to spend the next couple of days. But that's a different blog post :)
This is a clip of not really anything. Just some after dinner activity. I sure like this kid.
After we roasted marshmallows, Uncle Jess fired up the lawn mower and gave us all rides. Bennett LOVES to watch this video of the "mon-mow" (lawn mower), but he was not too keen on riding it in real life. Hence me being on it with him. It's OK. It was fun.
Me and Bennett hanging out by the fire. Now on to chapter two of "The Super Incredible Adventures of Haley and Bennett."
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