Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Potty Teets"

As I have mentioned on here before, Bennett has become quite the fan of the potty lately. After watching Jace (the little boy I babysit. Really, you should know that by now...) use the potty a few times, Bennett decided that he was game for whatever his buddy did. And so the potty training began.

Well, kind of. One day I tried an experiment to see just how far Bennett would go with the potty thing. I took his diaper off all morning long on Sunday and planned to watch him closely, getting him to the potty just in time to show him what it's like and still save my carpets. As it turns out, Bennett has a remarkably strong bladder that outlasted my visual by about thirty seconds. Thirty seconds. I went to the back room to get one thing ready for sharing time, and the next thing I know we are out an entire bottle of Resolve. That stinker. Anyway, that was about the extent of our potty training.

Honestly though, I don't really mind changing Bennett's diapers at this point in my life. He is my only baby right now, so I am fine with letting him take things at his own pace without really pushing him too hard. I did, however, purchase him a little toilet ring and step stool so I wouldn't have to hold him over the looming hole of water fifteen minutes at a time (seriously, this kid loves to sit on the potty THAT much. I think he must take after his dad). But that's as far as I really cared to go.

Until today.
(Warning: The remainder of this post contains some potty language. There is just no other way to put it.)

While changing Bennett's wet diaper today he, shall we say, "tooted." Of course he thought this was hilarious, and when I told him to say excuse me (something we've been working on) he started laughing even harder and began trying to push them out. Oh, what a boy I have. At first I was only annoyed by this show of blatant disrespect, but then I noticed that the force of Bennett's pushing was causing some pee pee (yes, that is the word we use around here) to leak out. And that's when I realized what an opportunity I had.

I quickly asked Bennett if he wanted to sit on the potty, and he thought that sounded like an excellent idea. He always thinks that's an excellent idea. So we went to the potty and all I had to do was tell him to push like before. And he did.

And Bennett used the potty.

Granted, it was just a little leakage, but the way we were celebrating probably caused our neighbors to think we just discovered our son pees liquid gold. It was a very exciting moment. Actually, it was longer than a moment, because once Bennett realized that he could control his little guy down there, and that when he made stuff come out of it his mom about had a conniption, he didn't want the game to end. I never knew such a little bladder could hold so much in reserve. I finally did get him off the potty, and then Bennett and I got his first legitimate "potty teets." You talk about a proud toddler.

Of course, I'm not delusional enough to think this is going to be a consistent thing. I did drop him off at a friends' house to go to a primary meeting a little after this incident, and when I came back he sat on the potty and "pushed" for me again. (Yay!) But I'm still not seeing any little boy Superman underwear around this house in the near future. And that's OK. Today just showed Bennett that he can do this, that he has control of his body, and that his mom has the ability to reach several octaves higher than her natural speaking voice when she is really excited.

What a stud.

Seriously proud.

I was rejoicing so vigorously at this point that I moved the camera, but I still love this picture. Look at that face! (well, the half you can see...)

Here is a video of some of the excitement. You might want to turn your speakers down before playing this.

Big Boy


Matthew Hargrave said...

My little man is growing up...pretty soon he'll be chasing skirts, driving trucks, and being the coolest dude in school!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA this TOTALLY made my day!

The Hargrave Clan said...

Chasing skirts? I think we'll just stick to potty training for now.

The Hazard Family said...

Hahahaha! My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. That has to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Yea for Bennett!!

Heather Jones said...

awesome! Haha! Better than Lincoln did for sure!

Cambria said...

congrats! hey Tyson found plane tickets for 150 if you'te interested. email him at tysonhazard@gmail

Jarmandashmar said...

Awesome! But wait till you see him in those little superman undies, his bum will be so cute! Ashlyn's is adorable in her "princess panties."