I feel like I am way behind, but here are some pictures of Bennett and some stories to go with them.
Story Number One: I am blow drying my hair. Bennett is standing literally two feet away from me watching me use the "Ahhh!" (that is what we call my blow dryer.) I flip my hair over my head to get the underneath half, and when I flip my head back up, this is what I see.
Story Number Two: I am folding laundry. Bennett is "helping" me fold laundry. (Bennett "helps" me do almost everything now days.) Halfway through, Bennett finds his choo-choo underwear, which is something I bought while in an experimental mood, and was washing after the experiment obviously failed. Bennett really, really wants to put on his choo-choo underwear, but I really, really don't want to take off his diaper at the moment. So the next thing I see is this...
Story Number Three (which actually started almost a month ago and ended a few weeks ago, but I am just now getting around to writing about it): Bennett is throwing a spectacular tantrum over (I can only guess) me shaking his chocolate milk when he wanted to do that himself. After a minute of this, I decide it is ridiculous that he is acting this way over chocolate milk, and I put him in his crib until he can calm down enough to act civilized. I put him in his crib. Bennett is screaming. I close the door. Bennett is screaming. I walk down the hall to call Matt on Skype so he can better appreciate what I deal with on a sometimes hourly basis. Bennett is screaming. I sit down with the computer and...silence. Good. I guess he finally calmed down enough to talk. I get up to retrieve our opinionated son when my heart stops as I hear the sound of Bennett's doorknob turning. Is there somebody in the house?! Call the police! I make my way to the hall just in time to see Bennett walk out of his room.
I stand there, in shock. How did this happen? I look at Bennett. He looks at me. I look at Bennett. He looks at me. It is a long moment. Bennett starts smiling. I start panicking.
So Bennett moves to his big-boy bed that very night, April 19th, 2011. Here is how that went.
Night one: I lay by Bennett in his bed for over an hour until he falls asleep.
Nights and nap times two and three: I lay by Bennett on the floor, and we "bajio (ba-GI-oo)" which means "hold hands" in whatever language Bennett is speaking, until he falls asleep.
Nights and nap times four and five: I lay in the hall where Bennett can still see me. I feel extreme guilt as my baby boy continuously cries "I tuttle wi Mommy!" (I cuddle with Mommy!) but I don't give in. He eventually falls asleep. We cuddle first thing in the morning.
Nights and nap times six and seven: I close Bennett's door almost all the way. I do my thing in the kitchen and living room, making lots of noise so he can hear me. Bennett tries to sneak out. I put an abrupt stop that quickly and swiftly. Bennett never tries to get out again. He eventually falls asleep.
Night eight: I put Bennett in his room, close the door, and don't hear from him again until 8:00 in the morning, at which point he yells, "Mommy! Mommy!" until I come into the room (this is not something I enforced, but I like it.) When I get to his room, Bennett hands me his puppy and he keeps his bear and we cuddle until Micky Mouse Clubhouse starts.
Night nine: I am one proud mommy.
Story Number Four: We are eating breakfast on Sunday (Mother's Day, which was just like any other day around here) when I hear a loud banging/scratching sound on our living room window. I go to see what it was, and find two squirrels desperately lunging at our window. I have to idea why, but I think it's pretty cool. I call Bennett over to witness the miracle of nature. I hold him close and talk quietly about the squirrels, as Bennett appears fascinated by them. Suddenly, Bennett gets more excited than I have seen him be in a long time, and he breaks free of my grasp. He runs to his toy basket and begins desperately searching through them. Upon finding what he was looking for he runs back to the window, waving his toy gun and yelling, "I shoot da squalls! I shoot da squalls!"
haha, he is so cute! I love his outfit!
I'm still laughing! What a fun life you have (except for the weeds). You are such a great mom and an awesome gardener! Sorry about all the rain, but you shouldn't have to water for awhile.:)
I sure love you guys! Cant help the genetics part that boy is a 10th generation Texan!!! I love the pic of him in his big boy bed. He has slept with that hand by his head since he was a new born and I watched him sleep in the hospital. Love ya'll!
Love, love, love that Bennett boy! He is so creative in his young little life. I love the gel, I love the gun, I love the rain. He reminds me so much of his daddy. It's a joy to see. Made my day....love, maimie
Jake and I SOOO loved this post. We giggled about the shooting the squirels thing, SO his daddy's boy and its so fun to see parts of both of you coming through him. What a great job Haley in getting him into his big boy bed!!! you're a great mommy, exactly what the experts say to do! (progressive) Matt and Bennett are so lucky to have YOU!!!
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